Sunday, July 02, 2017

Frogging With Pete Again

17" Spro Poppin' Frog (Black/Red)
6:30-9:30PM Loon Sex Bay Platte Lake
Conditions: 74-70℉, Most Sunny, Light NW Wind
Water Temp: 72℉
17.75" Bobby's Perfect (Sparrow)
So apparently Pete prefers the light weight and castability of the supposedly under powered Tatula to the cork handles and power of the 7'3" MH Avid which is a broom stick by comparison.  I'll see what he thinks of the XH Zillion tomorrow.

I took him to Loon Sex Bay because that is where he talked about fishing yesterday.  The slop looks great in there and was alive with baitfish.  It's been a couple weeks since I was last there.  Some kids were fishing out of a small aluminum fishing boat and needed to borrow some pliers.  I let them keep them with the agreement that they would give them back when they were leaving.

Pete missed the first hit of the night as I was starting to move out to the kids.  We saw a lot of little bass swimming out on the slop edge.  I missed my first hit as well.  The kids came and gave back the pliers about a half hour later when we were in the NE corner.  Pete got the 17" shortly after that on the black/red Spro Popper.  It was hung up on some pads and we had to go get it with the net.   I think Pete lost his next two fish and I got a good sized bowfin most of the way back before it got off.  The bowfin gave it's position away to me.  Pete then got a 16.25" fish on the Spro Popper.
16" Bobby's Perfect (Sparrow)
I got my first fish near the tip of Loon Sex Point where the pads and rice intermixed.  A pike bit off the Spro Popper Pete was throwing and we didn't find it.  We started working back over water we already covered and Pete got a 16".  I got a 15.5" and this skinny 17.75"
17.75" Bobby's Perfect (Sparrow)
I got a 15.5" and Pete got the last fish of the night with this 16".
16" Terminator Popper
I missed a blow up about 15' feet from the boat.  Pete was not impressed when the frog went flying by him at mach 4.  Pete missed the last blow up of the night when he landed on top of one.
Pete fished as I was slowly driving us out of the bay
We got quite a fireworks show on the way back.
Didn't have the scale cleared from last night
As that I didn't have the scale cleared from last night when we went out tonight with a fish waiting to be weighed and my first three attempts to clear the scale not working I just added to last nights weight.  I didn't think at the time that I could remove the weights one at a time, Duh!  The 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 8th weights were from tonight's fish.

4 Bass Me
4 Bass Pete
4 Pike Me
4 Pike Pete
1 Bowfin Me


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