Same date as last year |
5:30-6:35PM Rock
6:40-8:10PM Bulldog
8:15-9:45PM GOMH
Conditions: 53-46℉, NNW Wind, Partly Cloudy,
I got out a little later tonight so I dropped stopping at the GOMH first. Do to lack of tire tracks going in I thought there was no chance the Rock Dock would be in the lake. I was wrong. I fished for an hour and didn't get a bite.
Next I headed to Bulldog. A guy was fishing with his dog at the access, so I went to Holy Family. No fish there. I went to the access and the guy was OK with me fishing there. The dog wasn't so sure about me at first.
6" T.H.E. Jig (chart/black) |
The sunnies provided non stop action again tonight. We both got a bonus bass. He was throwing everything back as well. He left at about 7:20PM. About 5 minutes later was when the bigger bluegills started biting. I got five that were 8.5".
15" THE Jig |
8.5" THE Jig |
8.5" THE Jig |
I left for the GOMH at about 8:15. The Bullhead Boys were back fishing off the N side of the bridge. That had been there since 6PM and hadn't gotten anything. He said there was one boat fishing tonight. He said they got a couple bass. I didn't get any hits on the SE side. I switched to the SW side at the same time the Bullhead Boys left. Didn't get any hits there either. I also gave the NE side 10 minutes. Water flowed both ways and was slack as well.
1 Bass
31 Sunfish
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