Sunday, April 23, 2017

Nothing But Jumpers Pretty Much (2 Trips) Met Sneaky C

17.5" Terminator Jig w/UJ Pork Frog(Black/Bluefrog)
6:00-9:00AM GOMH NE SW
Conditions: Overcast, Windy out of the NE

I got out to a later start than I wanted.  No one was there.  I started out on the NE side getting my Swim Shad bit off.  I then got a couple of jumpers on a minnow on the Cubby Rod.  The wind got to be to much so I switched to the SW side.  I met who I will refer to now on as Sneaky C this morning.  He is a guy that fishes the GOMH often when he is up in the area staying with his grandparents.  He likes to keep a low profile.  I'm sure we've probably met up there before, but never really talked.  He's a pretty hardcore fisherman that used to do walleye tournaments and some bass.  He wants the water level to come up at least another foot.  A couple people stopped by to see if the fish were in yet.  They weren't.  Sneaky left to go to church and I gave up at 9AM when it started to rain.
17.5" Wildeye Swim Shad
7:30-9:30PM GOMH SE
Conditions: High 30's, Cloudy with some sleet, Windy as heck out of the NE

I was amazed to see Sneaky at the GOMH when I arrived. I figured there wouldn't be anybody there in the sucky conditions.  He hadn't gotten anything but a couple of toothy's.  I got the one jumper on the Swim Shad and that was it.  I think I missed one hit on the lighted bobber. I gave up at the 9:30.  

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