Friday, May 06, 2016

Morning And Evening GOMH Trips

Recollected on Sunday the 8th

I didn't take any pictures.

6:45-9:00AM GOMH SW NE
Conditions: 58-70, wind out of the South, mostly sunny

I got a late start due to not waking up to my alarm.  I was briefly alone and got one jumpin' bullhead before another fisherman showed up.  I missed a couple of bites and had a jumper jump me off on THE Jig and a minnow.  Another guy showed up and the original  guy left.  I went to the North side to see if I might toad up a dogfish.  I got one small jumper and had a toothy strike at it, no sign of any dogs.  I left and went to Bear Trax to buy more minnows as after last night's trip I was starting to run low.

8:15-10:00PM GOMH SE
Conditions:  Hot day but turned cooler by the time I headed out,  Became very windy out of the NW, mostly sunny turning mostly cloudy and even had a brief sprinkle.

When I went to put the minnows in the car I discovered that practically all the minnows I bought were dead. Must have been thermal shock maybe. Not happy about it.  When I arrived at the GOMH nobody was fishing on the SE side so that is where I went.  One guy was fishing on the SW side and he hadn't gotten anything.  I started out by getting rid of the dead minnows.  Then I started throwing the Swim Shad.  I quickly hooked up with a big jumper that jumped and got off.  I didn't realize how big until I saw it.  Easily a 4lb class fish, maybe even a 5.   I cast out again and quickly hooked up with a small toothy.  I got another small toothy casting towards the bridge and the guy across the way got a fairly nice toothy.  A bullhead fishermen started casting off the bridge. It got dark enough so I switched to the lighted bobber.  The guy on the other side left and the bullhead fishermen left.  A guy and a lady dangled a line straight down off the bridge.  I could hear fishermen on the North side catching some kind of fish.  The wind really started to howl.  The guy on the bridge caught a really nice golden bullhead.  I didn't have a strike and left at 10PM.  

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