Sunday, May 08, 2016

Just One Shy Of My Crappie Goal

11.5" Glow Demon w/minnow
8:15PM-12:45AM GOMH SW NE
Conditions: 63-59, mostly clear, no wind, slow flow into Sullivan.

The plan was to check out what was going on at the GOMH and then go to Rock.  Nobody was at the GOMH, so I scrapped the plan and fished there.  I had a golden bullhead hit the WildEye Swim Shad, but it got off.  I might of had a small dogfish meekly hit the Horny Toad. I saw the bite and I could see more than half of the Horny Toad the whole time.  I also had a toothy slash at the HT.  I tried the NE side, but saw no signs of fish.  As I went back to the S side the Buckman Dad and Daughter showed up.  They took up the SE side so I went to the SW side.  They caught a silver, then I caught the 11.5" silver.  They caught a silver, then I caught a 11.75" silver.

Lantern Man showed up and I got another 11' silver.  It then slowed down.  LM got a couple of small fish and the Dad and Daughter left at about 10:30PM.  I decided to give the North side a try.  I got bit on the first cast but missed it.  I caught a 10 incher which I gave to LM.  I quickly caught another 10 incher.  I got a non keeper then got a 10.25" after Peter W. showed up.  I got one last non-keeper silver leaving me just one shy of 300 crappies for the year.

While I was packing up Peter got a bullhead.

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