3.17lbs/17.33" Mad Maxx (Bluegrass) |
6:25-9:35PM NE Corner Inlet Bay to Double Cane Point
10:30-11:00PM GOMH NE
Conditions: 78-70℉, Partly Cloudy, ENE ESE E 7 to calm
Water Temp: 73-70℉
Water Level: Rising, It's over the lowest point on my standing rock.
3.30lbs/18.5" Mad Maxx (Bluegrass) |
I started out beyond the reeds in the pads in the NE Corner. I had a decent 22-24ish pike jump all over the Toad Runner on my first cast. I didn't set the hook. It held onto it for quite a while before finally spitting it. As I got over by the reeds I had a big dogfish follow the Toad Runner all the way to the boat then spook, unfortunately. I got a couple small pike as I worked my way toward the Starting Spot. Almost the whole first hour and 20 minutes or so was a waste. I should have either started at Double Cane or the western edge of the rice/reeds; That was where I got all of my fish tonight. I started things off with a 16.5" then got the 17.33" chunky monkey on Maxx. I then got 3 smaller bass and lost a good one in the rice before getting the 18.5" on Maxx. I got one last good fish (15.5) in the rice/reeds right on the edge on Maxx. I got 3 good fish right off of Cane Point. A 15.75" and 16.25" on Maxx and a 15.75" on a 4" Yum Dinger. I also missed a hit on the Dinger. The Skeeters got bad by 9:30, so I left.

The View from out front of the lake place as I headed in |
16.27lbs for my Best 6 Bass tonight |
10 Bass
6 Pike
1 Fin Follow
At the GOMH I had something hit the Shad Shallow and not hook up. On the very next cast, I had a good fish on for a few seconds before it jumped and got off. Probably a jumper
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