Sunrise Weak |
4:45-6:30AM GOMH NE
Conditions: 64℉, Partly Cloudy, 5-10 SE Wind
7:00-10:00AM East of Jenny's Docks and Slop, Our Bay East Docks, Our Bay NE Corner
Conditions: 64-60℉, Cloudy some light rain, Wind from Calm to Blowing SE to W back to SE
Water Temp: 64℉
2.82/17" Arashi Top Walker Jr. (Pearl Shad) |
No gold went for the Rippin Raps or anything else today. Finally got a few jumpers to go on topwater and the Speed shad. All dinks except for the 17". The panfish guy showed up around 5:30, so I didn't fish the S side.
The plan in the Trophy was to let the wind blow me from East of Jenny's to wherever fishing the rice then try the reeds across the way.
2.44lbs/17" A.T. Jig/Craw Fatty (Junebug/b/b) |
It started out great with a 17" and 15.25" off the 2nd dock and rice edge on the A.T. Jig. Then a pike stole my jig and had a couple fish miss Maxx as I brought it through the rice. The wind switched out of the West before I got into the rice. In the rice, I got a 15-inch fish and missed a hit or two. On the next dock, I missed a fish and got a 15" on Maxx. It then got calm so I went out and tried in the cabbage getting nothing. The two dock fish made me change plans and head to the SE corner to run docks. I was quickly rewarded with 15.5" on the first dock I tried on the Terminator Jig/Craw Fatty. I got a 16" and a 10" and missed a couple as I worked my way N on the Terminator Jig. I worked out over the flat about 1/2 way up where there was some baitfish activity, but nothing wanted topwater. As I got the NE corner it started to sprinkle; I got a 15-incher on bluegill Bubble Walker and a 13-incher on the Terminator Jig. Then it started to rain, so I headed in.
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