Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Two Trips, Not Much Going On

17.75" Wildeye Swim Shad
Evening Trip
5:30-7:15AM GOMH NE SW
Conditions: 40-49℉, Mostly Sunny, South wind, water still on the rise flowing into Sullivan normal pace
When I arrived

First fish of the morning was a toothy on a minnow.  Then I got a couple jumpers and that was pretty much it for the morning trip other than that darn beaver swimming through.  Oh yeah, and there was the back half of a rabbit lying in the road just before the bridge. At least I got to see a good sunrise.
17" Minnow On the Cubby Rod
17.33" Minnow
Evening Trip
8:30-11:40PM GOMH SW NE
Conditions: 54-45℉, Partly Cloudy with some sprinkles late, Light to no wind, water level up another couple of inches and flowing into Sullivan pretty well.

The evening trip was a disappointment.  I arrived, and one guy was fishing on the SE side with a small white grub.  He said he had been there about 15 minutes and gotten a couple of toothy's.  I got two jumpers on the Swim Shad, and he got a silver and a golden.  He left about 15 minutes before Lantern Man showed up.  Nothing was going on, so I went to the NE side.  Lantern Man got a golden, and I missed a hit at about the same time. I didn't know when to set the hook, thanks to the current putting slack in the line.  I lost one other fish that felt very silver like on the NE side on the Swim Shad.  LM left at 11PM, and I was out of there by 11:45.  I will be back at it at around 4AM.

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