18.75" STX French Pearl |
2:50-7:10PM GOMH NE SW, Trophy West Point and East of Jenny's
Conditions: 71-66 degrees, Mostly Sunny to overcast with light rain, Very windy, water level continues to fall. The standing rock is half out of the water now. Water was flowing into Platte, then abruptly switched and flowed hard back into Sullivan.
16.25" Herb's Dilly |
Bullheads were AWWWWWWWWWN at the GOMH. 9 jumpers and 3 toothy's.
The Herb's Dilly fish was the first one I caught; I had a coupe other fish bump it including a huge swirl at my feet. I then proceeded to get 2x16" and the 18.75" on the French Pearl Luck-E-Strike RC STX. I then switched to a Tomato Jerk Shad and got a 14.25" jumper on that. I put a cast across the way along the rice line and had a huge toothy hit me then immediately come up and do a head shake on the surface and throw the Tomato. I think it was probably a mid 30 inch fish. I also caught 21" toothy on the Tomato. I then caught a 15" and this 16.5" and missed a few bites on the craw tube.
16.5" Craw Tube pumpkin red flake |
I got an 11" and 12" on a Purple Green Apple STX and a small toothy on it on the SW side. I spent probably an hour and a half at the GOMH.
I briefly stopped at Jenny's and didn't get a hit on the Horny Toad and I didn't get a hit off the dock. It turned 5 O' clock when I was bring my rods into the Trophy and it clouded up. I drifted with the wind to West Point. I got 3 pike on the Mills Spinnerbait while anchored to the East of the point. I then moved so I was almost on top of the point. I got this 15.75" and a 11" and 10" on the Spinnerbait.
15.75" Mills Spinnerbait w/Swim Fluke Jr. |
The clouds started looking dark to the West. I got a 13.5", 11", and 13.9" on the craw tube and then I had this one hit.
18" Tonka Tackle Craw Tube |
That was the last bite at West Point. I then fired up the motor and had a tough time pulling up the anchor because it was stuck on something on the bottom, but a did manage to free it fortunately.
I then drove East of Jenny's right into another pod of fish. I got a 20.5 pike on the Horny Toad, then I had a good fish bury me on a reed. I then had a fish miss the Horny Toad a couple of times taking the legs off the Ghost the second time. I threw the craw tube at the fish and it hit.
16.5" Tonka Tackle Craw Tube |
Next I got a 17" on the Horny Toad.
17" Horny Toad Gray Ghost |
And the last fish of the night was this 28" pike I should have gotten the selfie stick out for.
28" Horny Toad Gray Ghost |
I did have one fish miss the Ghost on Beaver POint. It was really windy out there tonight, but I was kind of protected on the SE shoreline.
18 Bass
7 Pike
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