Sunday, May 06, 2018

Bulldog & GOMH

12.25" Glow Demon/stickleback
6:45-9:30PM Bulldog
10:00-1:30AM GOMH SW
Conditions: 72-58℉, Mostly sunny, Light wind NE, calm
8.25 THE Jig
There was a high school kid fishing at Bulldog when I arrived.  He had been there about half an hour and had gotten 3 crappies and some tiny sunnies.  The big sunfish was like the third one I caught.  It wasn't a crazy bite tonight at Bulldog, and most of the sunnies were small, but I was entertained.  It's really too bad Devin was up to other things because it was such a lovely night, and she would have gotten a lot of practice setting the hook.  The crappies were pretty sporadic at first but came on the darker it got.  Most fish were caught on a THE Jig, a few crappies tipped with a stickleback and a Cubby/stickleback.
9.5" THE Jig

10" Cubby/Stickleback
 I got 13 crappies (8 kept) and 31 or so sunfish (4 kept). Jan is gonna be a happy camper.

I eventually decided to leave the crappies biting at Bulldog to see what was up at the GOMH.  The Bullhead Boys were fishing off the Northside and had gotten one dogfish.  There was a family fishing bullheads without much success on the SE side, and  Lantern Man was on the SW side.  He had gotten three throwback silvers, a toothy, and a small jumper.  I went down with LM.  I was just about to head back to Bulldog when I called the last cast for a fish, or I leave for The Dog.  Luckily, I caught a nice bullhead bullhead that I gave to the family.  The Dad told us about the crappie fishing out on Rock this winter.  I caught the 12 incher about 5 minutes later on a small stickleback.  I got a couple of 9.5" that LM didn't want.  The Bullhead Boys and the Bullhead family left, so LM went over to the SE side.   Not much was happening over there.  He did get a couple to keep, and I got a couple that he found acceptable.  He left at about 12:15AM.  I caught a 10.5" and an 11" in the next hour before leaving.  I caught 10 silvers total.

10 Silver Bullheads
13 Crappies
31 Sunfish
1 Bullhead 

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