Sunday, June 02, 2019

Not the Way I Planned It: Didn't Get Off The Water Until 1AM

22.5" X-Rap Shad Shallow (Perch)

2.75lbs/17" Craw Tube (GP/R fleck)

9.5" Evergreen Shower Blows (Chrome)

Bad casts at the GOMH lead to broken baits

Sunsetting over the Platte River

Only got to fish largies for a couple of hours, so not terrible
7:00-11:00PM Platte/Sullivan: NW Juice, River Mouth, NSPRO, GOMH N
70-60℉, Hazy Sun, 0-3mph NE Water High Falling
WT: 64℉

I got a late start due to some intestinal issues.  Forgot to put some rods and garbage for the lake place in the car.  My plan was to play the wind on the North end of the lake.  Avoiding it for topwater.  I started on the NW Juice area.  First fish was that big pumpkinseed right on the inside reed edge.  I landed my first bass right next to shore and then missed one.  Then the wind which had been almost non-existent put a ripple on the water.  That looked to be the case and I couldn't count on it to diminish, so I made the call to head south to the River Mouth and SPRO.  Kind of a risky play after a busy weekend.  When I got nothing on the south path into the river mouth I was thinking not good.  But then I had a blowup and miss and a 16-incher on consecutive casts with the Shower Blows.  I thought it might get real in a hurry.  But the fish shut down. I did manage to get 3 more and miss a couple on a craw tube including the 17-incher.  I went to the NSPRO and got a couple of dinks on the Shower Blows and a 13.5" on the Terminator Frog.   They stopped hitting so I headed home, but nobody was at the GOMH so I thought I would take a look.  Sure enough, there were some glow balls in the tube so I anchored and fished.  I got the first two goldens (18.5,16.5) on the Swamp Gas Grass Pig.  I was fishing an X-Rap Shad Shallow and about to give up making my last cast.  Then my phone rang which was the front of the boat, I was standing at the back. I kept the spool open an answered it on the speaker then engaged the reel.  Mom said about 6 words and it was fish on.  I got balled out for not taking the garbage with me.  We ended the conversation and I landed the 22.5-incher.  It was now 11PM.  I threw a couple more casts then got ready to leave.  Went to start the motor, but it wouldn't fire.  Called mom back and let her know my situation and that if I couldn't get it started I would use the trolling motor to get back.  At about 11:20PM I was almost out of ideas when I thought to give my mechanic buddy Pete a call. He is up late a lot of the time and sure enough, he was up.  We tried to figure it out for at least a good 40 minutes before I finally gave up and headed in on the trolling motor.  I got to the Lake Place just after 1AM.  Hopefully, it's an easy fix.  It has something to do with the fact that the throttle is stuck before the starting spot. 

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