Friday, June 21, 2019

Better Night at the Jetty

4.27lbs Rippin Rap (Perch)

4.27lbs/25" Speed Shad 3.5" (GP/Pearl)

7:30-10:00PM North Corner Eddy's Jetty
72-68℉, Cloudy, 10-15mph SSE SE late

I briefly stopped at the bridge at Shakopee Lake because no one was there.  There were a garter snake and two turtles hanging out on my way down.  I had one pike take a swipe at the Grass Pig. There weren't rollers coming in but there was wave action.  I got a 22" pike when I switched to a Jerk Shad.  Then a long time with nothing.  At about 8:30PM I said to myself just drive that smaller size Speed Shad until I catch something.  After about 10 minutes I hooked up with maybe a 24-inch eye.  I was using the GLX 722 spinning rod with 2/8 Fireline so I was babying the fish at the rocks and it got off.  About 10 minutes later I broke off that jig in the rocks.  I decided to put the next Money Jig/Speed Shad on the Lew's Rod (14lb Fireline) at about 9:15PM I caught the 22-incher on the Speed Shad.  Then I caught the 25-incher.   Then a 20-incher.  I then went a while without a bite so I switched to a Rippin Rap and caught the big one.  That was my last fish of the night.

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