Monday, June 03, 2019

Morning GOMH, Inlet/Evening With Todd Out Front

5:30-8:00AM GOMH NE SW, Sullivan Inlet
48-58℉, Hazy Sun, 0-3mph ESE, water falling

Morning Trip to the GOMH.  I got a few on the real Shower Blows as the sun was coming on the scene on the NE side.  I made a quick switch to the SW side before anybody else showed up.  I got a skinny 16.5-incher on the ESB but it was bleeding and a tricky hook out so I didn't weigh it.  Panfish Guy and I presume his sons showed up as I was taking the hook out.  It was a hit on every cast there for a few minutes.  When it slowed down I threw out the Hack Flippin' Jig and got a skinny 15.75" and I got a dink on the craw tube as well.  When that bite stopped I bounced for the inlet where I got a couple of pike before having a Jerk Shad line clipped clean and I watched it slip into the depths.

14 Jumper
3 Pike

7:00-9:45PM Out front to the East with Todd
80-74℉, Mostly Sunny, 0-4mph South

We started shallow to the east.  Had a couple of missed hits on the Sprinker and there was some fish activity back in the beaver dam area, but it just wasn't happening.  When we got over by the deck I started moving us out towards the cabbage.  Todd started throwing the Poison getting pike then a bass.  I had a craw tube get bit off, so I tied on a Dinger.  I missed a good bite on that.  I went basically an hour and a half before finally landing a pke on the Stanely Phantom.  I managed to get a few pike, a bass and had a few misses on that as I worked us back to the lake place.  Todd out fished me something like 10 fish to 4.

14 Pike
4 Bass 

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