Friday, June 14, 2019

Morning GOMH Pigs/Evening EOG & Mille Lacs

4.87lbs/24.25" Shad Shallow (Perch)

7.09lbs/28" Rage Swimmer

4:50-5:40 GOMH NE
67℉, Cloudy light rain, 5-7mph SSW

On about my third cast the pig tagged the Rage Swimmer.  Unfortunately, the Bluetooth on the selfie stick wasn't working.  Got her release just as a bass fisherman showed up.  He took the NW side and quickly got a nice jumper.  I caught a 13" on the Rippin Rap.  Then I lost a good feeling fish and caught the 24-incher on the Shad Shallow.  The rain picked up and I saw lightening so I went to the car. I turned off my ability to get radar.  Wouldn't have mattered, but it would have saved me some gas. I figured out what I had done at JD's.  I went back North, fished for maybe 10 minutes on the SW side before the rain picked up again.  I went and drained the water than called it a morning.

20.5" Rippin Rap (Perch)
8:00-8:40PM East of GOMH
9:00-10:00PM Eddy's Jetty
63℉, Partly Cloudy, 2-5mph NE

Should have gone out in the Trophy tonight, but I diddled and didn't pay attention to the weather.  Forgot my headlamp and had to head back to get it at Peavy Lake.  Then I backlashed on my first 5 or 6 casts because the reel was set up loose, casting into the wind, and no weight in the Terminator Frog.
The first pike got off right near shore and was lucky I could reach it. I missed my next 3 bites and had a deer tick climbing up my leg.  I caught 1 last pike and missed a couple more before pulling stakes for Mille Lacs.

Missed 2 bites in a row on the Rage Swimmer at 9:25PM at the North Jetty Center Standing Rock.  I switched to the Rippin Rap.  Got the 20-incher which choked it.  I then missed a couple of bites and caught a cigar.  The boats came in early and the eyes didn't come in nearly as thick.  Only 2 fish is a bit of a disappointment. 

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