Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Late Start, Nothing But Pike

7:40-8:35PM Channel Inn Bay
68-62℉, Sunny, 2-5mph SW
WT; 69℉, Water level possibly rising a little

I got a bass under the pontoon on the Terminator Jig after I got done mowing the lawn.  The Tatula Rod that I broke in Snatcher Darren's boat seems to work pretty well. It lost about 3" off of an extra fast tip on 7'1" rod.

I diddled around home and didn't get to the lake until after 7PM.  It had been really windy today and I didn't anticipate it dropping off like it did.  I headed for Channel Inn Bay and I started off the rice point.  There was fish activity on the top way up in the junk and way out to the South.  There was one blow up close enough for me to get to but I didn't get a hit.  I had a Blitz Sexy get bit off.  Had several other pike mess with the frogs and caught one pike on the Black Blitz.  I lost one fish around 8:30 off of some pads that might have been a bass. Tough night.

"Sometimes you get kicked"

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