Saturday, July 30, 2016

Another So So Day Fishing With the Family

16" Sweet Revenge Mad Maxx
Girls mostly played in the water, less fishing today
It was a gorgeous day at the lake.  Mostly Sunny, in the 70's, and light winds.  The girls did a little fishing in the morning, and everyone caught sunfish.  I forgot my camera, and once again, having the Polaroid slipped my mind. Steve and I took an unproductive trip in the afternoon to the west.  Steve lost one little bass.  I managed to catch 4 sunfish and 1 crappie off the dock.  Steve and I went out after the cake for my parent's 50th Anniversary was served. "Cut the cake!"  We fished out, and I was still totally clueless about where the pike were at.  I pulled the plug on that and went into the slop. I found a pod of fish tonight.  I missed one and had a pike break off my Spro.  Steve got 2 bass and missed 3 more hits.  He also had a pike break off a fluke, and I lost a Tungsten Sinker when we were still out.

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