Fishing Report: The day was warmer with a little bit of a NE breeze. I arrived at the GOMH sometime before 6:30pm and got right to trying to catch a few toothy bullheads on the "lost jig." All that I could get to bite were a bunch of pesky little jumpin bullheads, with the exception of the bullhead in the picture. I had 30 jumpin bullheads by the time the two family's with kids arrived around 7:15pm with probably 25 of the bullheads being smaller than 12 inches. Since the toothy bullheads were just not going, I gave my spot on the SE side to the red head kid and his Dad. What they caught is underneath the picture.
I stood over on the SW side of the bridge and watched the family with the two little boys do there fishing. It was semi-organized chaos. It is a miracle that they didn't end up with some day ending tangles. What they caught is underneath the picture. At about 8:15pm they packed up and left which I kind of figured would happen.
I took up position on the SW side to try for some silver bullheads on the glow Cubby and a minnow. The fish did not disappoint and I landed several silvers quickly and missed a few. I gave the fish to Willard who actually was fishing tonight. By this point Willard had a small collection of orange bullheads and one silver. It turned out to be a very nice evening as the wind died down and there was lots of fish activity on the water. Willard was his effusive self commenting on what a nice night to fish it was and on how good the fishing was. Willard went home with a limit of 10 silver bullheads and 9 or 10 fair sized orange bullheads. I donated 6 silvers to that cause. I ended the night ar 9:35pm with a total of 6 silver bullheads, 33 jumpin bullheads, 0 toothy bullheads, and 0 dogfish.
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