Wednesday, May 29, 2019

GOMH/Trophy Morning/Trophy Evening

4.05lbs/19.5" Shower Blows (Blue Back Herring)

3.68lbs/19" Craw Tube (Junebug)

3.50lbs Craw Tube (Junebug)

17.5" Shower Blows (Chrome)

3.02lbs/17"  Shower Blows (Chrome)

6:00-7:00AM GOMH NE SE
7:30-1:00PM SPSI, SPSI Flat Tree, River Mouth, NSPRO, Channel Inn Bay
44-75℉ , Mostly Sunny, 0-6mph SSE, Water High Falling
WT: 63℉

I was on the late side for leaving. Panfish guy was at the GOMH when I arrived.  I got 1 16-incher on the Chrome Shower Blows and 9 jumpers total before heading for the Trophy.  First stop was the SPSI.  They weren't going on top, so on a whim, I threw out the craw tube and it was AWWWN. I got the 19", an 18.5".  Iwent out on the Flat towards a random tree that was loaded with Shiners.  I caught the skinny 17.5-incher there. Next, it was on to the River Mouth where I lost a bunch of fish on the Craw Tube.  I did get some 16's and 15's.  I went to the dam but nothing was going on.  NSPRO was next I got a few 16-inchers on the Shower Blows and I got 14.5" on the Sprinker.  From there I went to a mostly empty Channel Inn Bay.

9 Jumpers
1 Toothy
20 Bass
2 Pike
6:30-9:30PM Green Cabin, Big Bass Point to Double Cane
73-70℉, Mostly Sunny, 0-4mph SW
WT:  63℉

I went to Green Cabin Bay to start.  There were baitfish on the surface all over the place, but very little fish activity.  I didn't get any action until I got over by the boat house when the 4lber hit the Shower Blows.  That was about it for action in that Bay so I went to Big Bass Point and worked my way around to Double Cane point picking up and occasional Bass or Pike.  Unfortunately, the wind came up just after I got 17incher on the Shower Blows as was making my way towards the Point.   The action pretty much shut down in what should have been the primmest of prime time.

18 Bass
3 Pike
1 Sunny

For the Day
47 Bass
6 Pike
1 Sunny 

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