Monday, May 27, 2019

Eddy's Jetty Tonight

11" Jerk Shad (Crackle)

10" Crackle

24" Crackle

26.5" Crackle

11.5" Crackle
20.5" Crackle
8:10-10:00PM Eddy's Jetty Mille Lacs
50℉, Cloudy, 8-15mph ENE blowing pretty much strait in

Since it was an ENE wind on a cloudy rainy day I decided to forgo the GOMH for Mille Lacs tonight.  Things didn't start well.  Nothing in the North Corner and the high water, wind, and waves made for difficult sledding.  The first bite took the back half of my paddletail and didn't get the trailer hook somehow. This was at the harbor mouth.  Got another Rage Swimmer put on and pretty quickly had another fish on.  It looked like it may be a keeper; I made a bonehead move and tried to lift it up on to the dock when it was only hooked by the trailer hook and the line broke. My bad luck from last night continues.  It was now after 9PM and starting to get dark and I missed about 4 more bites.  I got two cigars off the North Corner on the Jerk Shad.  I felt that the fishing gods were laughing at me at this point.  I then caught the 24-incher and felt better about things.  A young native couple showed up and started fishing next to me.  I then got the 20.5"on the Jerk Shad.  The Indian couple got a fish and left. I got the 26" and one last cigar.  The clock struck 10 and I was done.

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