Saturday, May 18, 2019

GOMH GOM Sighting/GOMH/Eddy's Jetty

21.75" Jerk Shad

Fist pump for catching something in the hurricane at Mille Lacs

15" Fleet Farm Spin/Swim Fluke Jr.

21" Fleet Spin/Jr.

19.5" Fleet Spin Jr.
9:00-10:30AM GOMH SE NE
42℉, Cloudy light rain, 15-25mph ENE, High rising

After getting an inch plus water out of the boat I went to the GOMH and fished a little bit.  I got a few jumpin' bullheads and got wet.  Got a 16-incher on the Fleet Spinnerbait, a 14" on black/blue crawtube, and a small jumper on the Grass Pig on the SE side.  Got a 14" jumper on the junebug Jackhammer and  3 jumpers on a junebug crawtube on the NE side in miserable cold conditions.  Just after I caught the third jumper on the drawtube.  I got surprised by Grumpy Old Willard who was able to sneak up on me because I couldn't hear much due to the surf crashing.  We didn't talk long as I was freezing  Was great to see him though.

6:00-7:30PM GOMH NE
45℉, Cloudy, 15-25mph ENE

Someone was on the SE side, which was fine because my plan was to hit the NE side.  I got a 14-inch jumper right away on the Fleet Spin.  A couple other guys showed up and took up the SW side.  I ended up getting four jumpers (14.5,14.75,16,15) and two goldens (21,19.5) all on the Fleet Spin/SWim Fluke Jr.  I missed a couple of bites on that and on the junebug crawtube. I gave the two golden bullheads to the two guys.  As I was leaving I talked for a little bit with the guy who was fishing on the SE side. He had gotten three jumpers on a minnow.

8:00-9:00PM Eddy's Jetty North Corner
42℉, Cloudy, 18-25mph East

It was really rolling at Mill Lacs.  I missed one on Crackle and got a 21.75" keeper on the Chartreuse Shad.  It was cold and I couldn't hear myself think with the waves crashing.  I was done at 9PM.  I went and had a Subway.  Didn't feel like re-checking the GOMH.


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