5.02lbs/29.5" Terminator Frog (Black/Red) |
6:00-8:10PM Jenny's Reeds & Reeds Across
73-70℉, Cloudy, 0-3 SSW
14.25" Terminator Frog (Black/Red) |
I did briefly fish at the GOMH in the morning. It was sprinkling then started to rain. I didn't want to get my tackle all wet, so I stopped fishing. About 1PM the rain stopped. I dicked around and did some cleaning around the house. I should have been out fishing by 4PM. I really expected the bite to be better than it was. Nothing was going on in terms of surface activity. We started on Jenny's reeds and didn't have a single blow up. Next, we headed to South side of Reeds Across. I immediately got a dink on the Sprinker and Steve got his bass. Then nothing for at least 20 minutes. Then I had a pike on briefly.
15.5" Terminator Frog (Yellow) |
I took us from fishing the inside reed edge inside. Steve lost a fish and I caught the 15.5". As we came into the open area that separates the south and north reed bed Steve caught his personal best pike. He just yanked that sucker in. Steve was quite pleased.
We were both surprised it only weighed 5lbs. I would have said 7lbs, myself. In the north bed I caught a 12.5" dink, which I forgot to weigh and missed a couple of bites. I expected a lot better bite under the conditions. Platte lake fish leave me scratching my head yet again.
3 Bass
2 Pike
1 Bass
1 Pike
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