Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Successful Trip On F Flat

12.5" Panfish Hair Jig/minnow

19.25" 4/4 Panfish Jig/minnow

18" 3/3 Pure Poison/Swim Fluke Jr

Two Loons over the juice
6:00-9:00PM F Flat Brown Boat House
38-41℉, Overcast turning PC, 0-5mph ENE

I got a later start than I had planned on.  I woke up from my nap at 4PM but had other distractions.  I started to the East of "the dock".  Didn't get anything there.  I was about 10 feet to the west of the dock when I got a 13" bass on the Cubby and minnow.  I anchored but didn't draw anything more.  As I got closer to the juice I anchored again in about 3' of water in front of the Brown Boat House.  I got the 18" and a 16" bass throwing the Poison.  I then got the pig bass on the pink/white Panfish Hair Jig.  Steve sent me a text about a 3lb bass that an eagle had dropped on the road. The sun finally showed up and so did the crappies.  I got one on the Cubby.  On the very next cast, I had another bite hang me in the weeds and my line gave way.  I went back to the Panfish Hair Jig Rod.  A number of crappies would grab the minnow and just sit there in place leading me to believe I had caught a weed.  I missed about 5 bites that way.  I caught 6 crappies total throwing the big one back.  As it was getting dark I realized I hadn't put my headlamp in the jacket, doh.  The last bite of the night was 13-inch bass on the Panfish Jig.  I fished with the lighted bobber until 9PM, didn't get any bites.  I called ahead for Steve to put the boathouse outside light on.  When I got in I took my time and retied a new Cubby on the Cubby Rod.  I got to the GOMH at 10PM.  Lantern Man had gotten two silvers.  Since he wasn't crushing them and I didn't have my headlamp I decided not to fish.

6 Crappie
5 Bass

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