Monday, April 13, 2020

Pulling Cattails And A Skunk

7:00-7:40PM GOMH, Rock Lake
28-29℉, PC, 10mph NW

The plan with the waders was to go and rip out some cattails to create space to cast and land fish, but them suckers are strong and dead therefore I was more likely to break off at the waterline than at the roots.  I think I'm going to confer with Lantern Man about the options.  Both the feet in my waders leak, bummer.  I didn't get a bite and had a short snow squall.  I also went to Rock and threw a few casts.  The dock wasn't in at Rock.  If it isn't in by Wednesday, my guess is it's going to be a long time before they get put in if at all this year.  One surefire way to discourage some people from going to the lake is to not put docks in at the ramps.

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