Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lesson Re-learned Tonight at the GOMH

7:40-8:15PM GOMH NE SE SW
33-30℉, PC, 3-5mph NW

I went out after a delicious Easter dinner to the GOMH.  I arrived, a no one was there.  I decided to go to the NE side.  As I was putting my tackle down, another car arrived, and they went to the SW side.  Seeing as how there are seemingly no fish at the GOMH right now, my choice of spots tonight didn't matter.  But the SW side, in my experience, is the most dependable spot to catch a fish and would always be my #1 choice to have available to me.  In this year of social distancing and people not working in the month of April, I need to have a plan going in and stick to it. The plan is to go to my #1 Spot first thing if it isn't already occupied.  

No bites.  The wind wasn't too bad, so I didn't freeze myself.

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