Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Morning Bad Luck And Me Sucking Till 11

15.5" Sweet Revenge
5:30-11:00AM NW Juice, Todd Hole/BBP/Green Cabin
75-68℉, Partly to Cloudy, 0-3mph N
WT: 78℉

This trip convinced me I've got to figure out the deep fish. There just aren't enough slop fish up.  I started at the NW Juice.  First fish was a pike on Ish's "Ice" as I call it.  Had a good blow-up close in miss the frog.  I got a 13.5" on "Ice" and a 14" on Big Sexy up in the shore slop.  I then went through the reeds and missed a couple good blow-ups I was unprepared for.  I then went an tried the rice island, nothing.  Next, to the Todd Hole/BBP.  I worked this area methodically.  I lost a hot 15/16 due to some bad luck.  Had a couple of other takers not hook up due to bad luck on where the frog was sitting when they struck.  I got a 12-incher following up with the Dinger in a hole in shallow and got the 15.5" on Sweet Revenge working the outside of Big Bass Point slowly.  I went and worked the area along Double Cane where the battery quit working with Todd, nothing.  I got over by the reeds and had a 15/16 miss the frog, bad luck.  I then went to the reeds out from Chuck's, nothing.  Then on to Chuck's.  I got a pike right away on a Bobby's Perfect Sparrow.  Then I missed two fish in a row due to poor hooksets.  The second one was a 3lb fish.  I worked the outside of the pads in Green Cabin Bay getting a 13.75" on the Sparrow.  The sun came out and I had been on the water long enough.  Didn't get out in the evening because my brain was fried.
Last night and today

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