Wednesday, July 24, 2019

"Sometimes You Kick, Sometimes You Get Kicked"

5.04lbs/20" Shower Blows (Bone)
6:30-10:00AM NPBI, SPSI, GOMH, Intersection
76-68℉, Mostly Sunny, 0-3mph S
WT: 77℉

I got out of bed at 4:50 and didn't make it to the Lake until 5:30AM.  I was off to the Big Island by 6AM.  I caught one 12-incher on the Shower Blows then mother nature called and I high tailed it back to the cabin.  I was back to fishing by 6:30.  I stopped at the SPBI and didn't get a bite.  Next stop was the SPSI.  I caught a 12-incher on the bone Shower Blows, then the big girl struck.  She jumped twice and I was thinking 18-incher.  Then she bulldogged hard.  Thankfully there weren't any weeds to get tangled in.   It wasn't until I had her in hand that I realized it was a special fish.  Darn if she didn't go 20-inches and top 5lbs.  I then missed a quality bass caught a 16.5" and 13" on the Blows. They stopped hitting on top so I went to the junebug Piranha 2 and got a pike then a16-incher.  I then dropped a good one on the craw tube when I got a less than stellar hookset.  I was then off for the intersection after getting bit off at the GOMH. Got my last good bass of the morning from there out in the middle of the channel away from the emergent veg.  I went into the old juice.  It looks very fishy but nothing was doing.  I had a big pike miss Cali Ish out of the rice past the log.  Took a pass at SPSI on my way in and nothing happened.

7:00-9:15PM East of GOMH, CIB, SPSI
I thought for sure on my evening trip I would be able to add to my weight for the day, but I was wrong.  I think the high pressure had the bass buried and unwilling to take topwater.  I tried working the slop to the East of GOMH had maybe 2 opportunities there and didn't connect with either fish; they could have been pike or doggo's.  I then tried some boat lanes in Channel Inn and had a couple pike take swipes.  Went to SPSI to end the night.  Had a 12/13 bass jump and throw the craw tube and I landed my only fish of the night a 15-inch pike which took the craw tube.  A pathetic evening of fishing.   

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