At Rock I hooked up with a couple of bass on a glow Cubby and a minnow.
It was after 7PM when I headed to Bulldog, but that was dead so on to the GOMH. When I arrived at the GOMH there was just 1 car and a lady was fishing on the SW side with worms. I went to the SE side. I don't think she had caught anything and at the first sign of lightening and thunder to the SW she bailed.
I nabbed a couple of 14 inch class jumpin bullheads on the glow Cubby with a minnow and then Rapala Boy and his dad showed up. Right after they got there my bobber went down and I landed this smallish (8") silver bullhead.
Like I said earlier there was a storm heading are way and the skies got darker and there was a lightening show with a bit of thunder. You would have thought the fish would have gone berserk, but I caught one last silver bullhead and that was it.
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