Wednesday, March 01, 2017

I Didn't Get Skunked On Sullivan This Time

10.25" Glow Demon w/Minnnow
5:30-8:00PM Sullivan Lake West Access
Conditions: 31-28℉, Mostly Cloudy, Occasional Flurries, Windy out of the WNW, 42' of water

I went to Bear Trax and bought my 2017 fishing license.  Found out that they don't have a replacement for Kuske ready yet.  My guess is that his wife will now be the main person overseeing the area in addition to her regular patrol area around the river at Little Falls.

I decided to head over to the West side of Sullivan.  Nobody was out there, but a wheeler had blazed a trail out to the area I wanted to fish;  I ended up marking fish in the area the wheeler had fished.  I drilled my own holes as they were frozen over.  Same as last time marking fish 10 to 15 feet off bottom in 42' of water.  I sent my minnow down first and had a fish take my bobber down while I was getting my other rods out.  I caught it.  I wasn't patient enough on the next bite on the Demon and missed it losing my minnow.  I got the heavy pink/glow Tubby Jig w/pink Jamei and wax worm down the hole.  I had several interested fish, but didn't get any.   I set the hook maybe 8 times.  The bobber went down, but I think I waited to long as the bobber was coming back up the hole when I set the hook.  Then the fish disappeared and I couldn't find them.

At least I didn't get skunked.

1 Crappie  

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