Wednesday, October 23, 2019

On The Jetty With Rasta and Jamar

Jamar & Rasta

3.88lbs/24.5" KVD Jerkbait (Sexy Ghost Minnow)
7:30-8:30PM North Jetty, Harbor Mouth
38-34℉, Cloudy, 6-10MPH NNW

Seeing as how it got dark so quick and I wasn't catching anything in the Trophy I bailed while it was still light out.  When I got to the Jetty there was a truck on the North Jetty and people fishing on all three Jetties.  I was sending a text to Pete to fill him in on me getting skunked on Platte tonight when lo and behold Rasta from the other night came strolling down the Jetty and motioned for me to roll down the window.  He offered me a shot of what he was drinking.  Then went on to tell me his group got a couple of northerns before it got dark including a big one for himself.  He also hit a $900 dollar jackpot on the slots the other night after they got done fishing.  He said they got 5 or 6 walleyes that night (I got skunked that night).  He said they were getting a few eyes and invited me to come and join his group which was at the North Corner.  He hadn't seen anyone else catch anything.

So I get my stuff and walk out to the North Corner and I was surprised to find out he is buds with Jamar who I met last year.  There was Jamar in the flesh.  Those two and one other buddy caught 5 or 6 fish in about 20-minutes and then called it a night. The people who were at the Harbor Mouth and other Jetty's left about 15-minutes later.  I couldn't get a bite, very frustrating.  Finally, I got a fish at the Harbor Mouth.  It was a good one and I was cold, so I called it a night.  I realized when I got home that I had forgotten to put my Vikings sweatshirt on over my Columbia hoodie, oops. 

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