Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Couple Hours On Eddy's Jetty

3/11,23.5" Grass Pig (Swamp Gas)

2/5,21.5" Rippin' Rap (Perch)
8:25-11:10PM South Jetty, North Corner
43℉, Cloudy saw the moon a couple of times around 11, 0-3 WNW
Water High and temps are probably in the mid 40's

I headed straight over from fishing at Platte.  I stopped at Subway and got a meatball sub.  There was a boat in my parking spot, so I parked at the South Jetty and ate my sub.  I started out throwing the perch Rippin Rap.  I was just about to stop throwing it when I got a 21.5-inch walleye at the Harbor Mouth.  That was the only bite I got on the Rippin Rap.  Didn't get any hits on the Shad Shallow. On my second cast off of the South Corner with the Grass Pig, I got the big fish of the night.  I got two more fish (14,20.5) on the South Jetty on the Grass Pig.  I also had one come off shortly after hooking up.  A little after 10PM I went to the North Jetty.  I lost a really good one in close to the Jetty on the Grass Pig at the North Corner; The sucker stole the tail.  I caught a 19-incher on the new Grass Pig on the North Corner.  I finished the night with a 21-incher on the Crackle Jerk Shad at the North Corner.

7 Eye's

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