Friday, October 18, 2019

They Wanted A Feathered Treble

3/1,20.5" X-Rap 10 (Glass Ghost/Pearl)
8:00-10:00PM North Corner Eddy's Jetty
61℉, Cloudy to mostly cloudy, the moon did come out at 9:50 or so, 5-8mph SSE

Fish were sporadically getting busted along the Jetty all night.  I wasn't able to convert any of it into a bite 

The wave action was a lot less than I expected it would be.  I tried a Rippen Rap to start.  Nothing.  Then I tried the Shad Shallow, nothing.  I decided to go with the pearl X-Rap and the 17-20-inch walleyes ate that thing up.  I got 7 fish in about 35 minutes.  The bite had slowed a bit and I was thinking about switching lures when I backlashed and bye-bye X-Rap.  Should have re-tied my Power Clip as that is where my line broke I think.  I went to the Grass Pig and lost a good feeling fish on the first cast.  I lost one other bite at the North Corner Standing rock.  I then tried the Tomato and Crackle,  I briefly had a fish on one of those two.  I then went to the Rage Swimmer and got a 20-incher and missed a couple of bites.  I then thought to myself.  They really liked that feathered X-Rap, why don't I put one of them back on.  I put on my other Glass Ghost, but it didn't have many feathers left.  I put on a pearl/blue X-Rap with full feather and caught two fish pretty quick. My back was tightening up and I was hungry so I didn't wait to see if the moonlight would turn on the big girls.  All the fish tonight were between 18-20.5-inches.

10 Eyes    

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