Sunday, October 20, 2019

Great Night On F Flat

4/15, 19.75" Craw Tube (Junebug)

3/2,16.75" Bubble Walker (Pearl)
4:45-6:30PM F Flat
60-64℉, Cloudy, 6-2mph ESE
Water Temp: 52℉, Water Very High

I was a bit slow getting out after the Vikings victory against the Lions.  I went straight to F Flat approaching the juice from the East. I got a couple of dinks to start on the SK Colorado and Bubble Walker at "The Dock".  I caught a 14-incher as I approached the juice and put the anchor down.  It looked calm, but there was a light wind blowing me West.  I didn't get any more hits on the spinnerbait, so I threw the craw tube and immediately got a 16.5-incher.  On the very next cast, I got the toad.  I knew she was a special one by the fight she put up before I saw her.  I then thought to try and see if I could get a pig to go on the Bubble Walker.  It took a few casts, but I got the 3lber who put on an aerial display when I was bringing her in.  I was thinking that might have turned the juice school on.  I had just released the fish and my phone rang with my mom calling. I shouldn't have picked it up but I did.  By the time I got off the phone 5-minutes later, I couldn't get another fish to go on topwater.  I switched back to the craw tube and got a 15-incher.  Then I lost a fish and it shut the juice down.  There had been baitfish getting busted over toward the reeds to the South and West.  I started heading toward the West when something got busted about two and a half cast lengths out from me. I put the troller on high and gave that fish a shot with the Bubble Walker.  I couldn't get it to go.  A couple baitfish got busted back to the East so I quickly made my way there quickly.  I managed to get 3 bass (13,13.5,14) there on the Bubble Walker.  It got dark quickly tonight with the thick overcast and I was done fishing by 6:30PM. Quite possibly my last topwater bite of the year.

10 Bass

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