Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Fishing With Pops and Peter At The GOMH


Dad took me to the bridge as I had the ICD replaced today. Peter W was there along with a dead dear on the NE side. We started on the North, but the wind was too much. I got a jumper. Dad had two small jumpers jump him off. Peter got a few oranges and small jumpers. Peter left. Dad went to the car. I tried the NE side again and had a couple of gator hits and had a jumper jump off in the tube. On the way home Dad just missed a small deer. It may just be that the pain medication wore off, but I regretted my decision to go as the pain level increased a bit after I got home. I will now be taking it easy for a couple of days and heal.

Papa: 2Jump 

Me: 2Jump 1Pike 

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