Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Todd Morning/Me Evening Across the Way

10.5" Hack Jig/Paca Slim

8.5" Pink/White Hair Jig

No Motor Day 2

Todd and I headed for the reeds across the way.  With the wind blowing in the reed edge had fish up and active for the first hour or so, but we weren't hooking into them with the Sprinker Frogs.  Todd ended up losing two Sprinker Tails, then in some freak mishap, the whole Sprinker came off when a fish buried him in the reeds.  We were getting a few pike on the Poison and a Rage Swimmer.  Todd had to be back in by 9AM, so I brought us in by way of West Point where I got a crappie and Todd got a pike.  I caught a few nice sunnies off the dock and had one small bass jump me off.

In the evening I started at the GOMH which had a family and a bass fisherman already there.  I had a pike break off a craw tube on the NE side.  The wind was light so I made the decision to head to the Trophy while keeping a close eye on the sky for approaching thunderstorms.  Thankfully none came and there was a bottle of water at the lake place.  Across the way, I lost a pretty good bass right away when it buried the Phantom in the reeds.  It was pretty much a pikefest after that.  I did get one bass down by the cane patch.  Had a lot of boils that didn't get the Phantom.  Hard to know if they were bass or pike.  I was off the water by 9:30PM.

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