Sunday, June 09, 2019

Eddy's with Pete in the Morning and Evening

5.34lbs/27" Jerk Shad (Crackle)

20" Rippin Rap (Perch)

15.5" Rogue

6:40-8:20PM Eddy's Jetty
62-58℉, Cloudy, 0-12mph NNW

Pete didn't get up the first time I went down so we didn't leave until 6:15AM or so.  It was calm with sun when we got there with dark clouds bearing in from the West.  After 15 minutes and no bites, Pete hinted we should go to the GOMH.  I told him we weren't leaving until I was sure there weren't any fish around. The wind started coming up as the clouds moved in.  I switched from topwater to a Rippin and was quickly rewarded with the 20-incher as Pete headed to the car because he was cold.  I went and told him he could wear my fleece sweatshirt as I had my bibs and rain jacket. Pete came back out and I had a good size eye swing at my spinnerbait just before I took it out of the water.  I got a really good look at it, 26/28 for sure.  Pete got the smallie and I got the big girl.  Pete noticed the back of my hand was cut up from handling the eye and it was getting close to when we had to leave, so we left.
25" Rage Swimmer (GP/P)

24.5"  Rippin Rap

25" Rage Swimmer

Final Fish of the night

5.04/27" Rippin Rap
5.98lbs/27.5" Rogue

7:00-8:00PM Inlet, Culvert, GOMH
8:30-10:00PM Eddy's North Jetty
66-62℉, Partly Cloudy, 3-8mph NW

Nothing at the inlet or culvert.  Pete got a dink at the GOMH.  We then headed to Eddy's.  The North Jetty had people fishing the harbor with suckers.  It was a young guy celebrating his birthday with family and friends.  One of the kids got a 24-inch on a snoopy pole and a guy got a 27-incher on a fly rod with a musky fly.  Anyway, Pete headed right off.  I had to get my Rage Swimmer and Rippin Rap rigged.  Eventually, I got out there and threw the first cast with the Rippin Rap a native guy beating a drum off of the shore dock. Bam, 5 pounda!  That is the way to start.  Pete left to go to Center Jetty. I hooked up with 24.5".  I then got a couple of 25-inchers on the Rage Swimmer and had a couple not hook up.  Pete got hung up and lost a lure.  The people left. Pete came back after 9PM and started banging fish left and right.  I got a 20" and a cigar on the Jerk Shad.

For the Day
8 Eye's for Me
6 Eye's
1 SMB 

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