Sunday, May 26, 2019

Morning And Evening Topwater With Todd And Then A Clown Show Broke Out

Todd on the board at the GOMH

16" Pure Poison/Grass Pig Jr.

16.75" SBKO (Orange)

16" Shower Blows (Blue Sexy)

5:30-9:00AM GOMH, River Mouth, NSPRO
44-60℉, Mostly Sunny, Calm, High rising water
54-58℉ WT

Todd and I started out on the N side of the GOMH.  He missed a couple of bites and got a couple of 14-inchers on the Poison.  We then tried the S side, nothing there and somebody showed up so we left for the river mouth.  Todd got a 16" right away and I got a couple of them on the orange SBKO.  Todd got a 14.5 on the Poison and I got a 14 and 15 on the SBKO and then the River Mouth was done.  I got a 15" in the river.  We made a quick run to the dam.  Todd missed a couple of bites and I had a fish wake me on the Horny Toad but not hit. We spent the rest of the time working the pads in the north SPRO flat with Shower Blows getting mostly 15 and 16 inchers.  It was solid morning but not great by any means. 

3.21lbs/17.5" Shower Blows KO (orange)
6:00-9:30PM Channel INN Bay
72-68℉, Partly Cloudy, Calm
Water Temp: 64-62℉

Todd and I headed out for Channel Inn Bay after dinner with rain to the North.  There was a pontoon full of people fishing right in the middle up in shallow water.  That is where we discovered the fish.  Right close to shore.  They didn't want my orange Knock Off to start with.  I put on a silver Shower Blows 105 and started catching them.  The pontoon left.  I took us towards where the pontoon was.  Fish behavior and fins told us the spawn was going on.  I had a big one cartwheel over one of my regular size knock offs.  That was the only one to hit at the regular size.  Todd missed a couple of good bites.  I caught the big one when I switched back to the orange knock off.  Todd had to be in by 8PM.  We stayed until 8:02 because the fish were biting.  I said goodbye to the girls and headed right back out.  Here is what I wrote about what happened next.

Last nights final trip out after I dropped my brother off at 8PM went from clown show to train wreck. My luck went to really bad after blowing the hookset on a good fish (may have been a doggy). Then I broke off at the spool. So I went and got my topwater in an area that was swarming with fish. Couldn't find where the tag end was. No problem switched rods. Quicky got 13-incher that got the back feather treble with two hooks down in the gills so I had to dig out my bolt cutters, thus losing my productive lure. Never had another bite and had a bunch of issues with rods getting tangled together. What a hot mess, it was so frustrating.

There were big fish in the area and to only get one 3lber for the night was a disappointment.
16.27lbs for the Day

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