Thursday, May 09, 2019

GOMH Surprises, The Bullheads Were Still There

11" Swim Shad

Choked it

17.75" Swim Shad

Beautiful Night

Battery Issues led to a flooded Trophy
It was coming up on three o' clock and Dad suggested I go up and pick up the paper, so dropped by the lake place to check and make sure things were OK at the Trophy.  The snow was gone and the boat was flooded.  I quickly diagnosed that the battery had failed on my new auto bilge.  What a disappointment.  So I got the old one pumping off of the Trolling motor battery and went home and got a sump from the well.  There was a lot of water in the boat and I re-installed the old bilge pump.  ( got home just after 5PM.  What a PITA.

7:30-10:00PM GOMH NE SW SE
45℉, Partly Cloudy, 2-7mph NW
High and rising, but not as high as I thought it would be.  The standing rock was about 66% covered.

So with all the snow,  I expected the bullheads to be in a funk or just plain gone.  Boy was I wrong.  They were there and feeding and I was the only one there to take advantage of it.  So take advantage I did. I had a good golden bullhead get off at my feet on the SW side.  Fish started busting all over the place for a minute there.  I got tired of missing silvers on the Swim Shad and went over to the SE side where they were sitting. I then racked them up until I had a silver break my line when I was about to take it off.  Somehow the pink Cubby came dislodged from its mouth and disappeared.  I never did find it.  I caught a couple silvers on the Bear Trax Glow Demon.  The bite shut off and I left by 10PM. 

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