Saturday, May 04, 2019

GOMH & A Trip In the Trophy

19.5" X-Rap size 6 (Firetiger)

1st Fish in the Trophy for 2019

Back at the Lake Place
4:30-6:00PM GOMH
7:00-10:00PM PRMouth SPRO
65-58℉, Cloudy to Partly Cloudy with occasional showers, 0-25mph SW NE

When I arrived at the GOMH I had to wait a little while for a shower to pass.  There was one guy fishing on the SW side.  He had gotten a couple of jumpers.  I got a jumper on the Swim Shad, Cubby/Minnow (Pink) and the firetiger X-Rap size 6.  I also got the golden bullhead on the X-Rap, lost another one and had a bite that felt very crappie like get off.  A squall passed through just before 6PM and after it passed I figured that was my key to head for the Trophy.

I departed the Grumpy Old Man Hole at 6PM in hopes I would be able to recreate the magic of yesteryear at the mouth of the Platte River in Lake Sullivan.  To do that, I would need the assistance of a boat obviously.  By the time I had loaded up and was underway the wind had calmed down significantly just like it was forecast to do.  The water temp was 52℉, which was right but the fish just weren't there other than a few straggler bass.  I went a little way up the river, but that was unproductive.  I got surprised when a front quickly blew over bringing some rain.  But that made the bow light work, so I can't complain.  I ran the hay flat looking for fish with my Go For Wild Headlamp. Unfortunately, the water isn't as clear as it could be and there was some ripple as well.  I mostly spied shiners and a few small sunnies.  Lantern Man was at the bridge and had only gotten one silver bullhead.  I was starting to get cold so I called it a night at 10PM.   

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