Monday, January 19, 2015

Rock On!

8" Sunfish Glow Demon w/spikes
30 degrees, cloudy,  mild but cold wind out of the NE

I got out to a little later start than I wanted to today do to my not being able to get to sleep last night.  I decided to hit up Rock again in hopes of getting a bass.   When I arrived I used the hand auger to open yesterday's holes.  Then I drilled 4 new sets in a little shallower water.  I was hoping to have them be in 8-10' of water but they ended up 13-15 pretty much the same depths as yesterday.  I put the tip up in first with a fathead.  Then went to the first shallow set of holes.  Nothing there, so I went to the spot I had the camera down yesterday.  I marked some stuff but didn't have any hits.  I pulled house to two more hole sets without any results but a few sniffers. I then set off hole hopping.  I got to the farthest North set of holes I drilled yesterday and I caught the 8" sunfish.  I released it in a hole the Trap was sitting at after measuring it and brought the Trap back with me.  I got a 7" sunfish.  I tried down viewing with camera but that wasn't really working so I went and put the camera down the other hole.  I got it pointed in the right direction with the help of the Grass Pig.  Unfortunately it was now to dark and I couldn't see my baits or the fish that were around.  I was surprised when the next fish I brought up was this crappie.
9" on the Demon w/spikes
I brought up one more sunfish then it was a crappie fest on the Demon and T.H.E. Jig.  A school moved in and they were aggressive.  Almost all of them were 9 inchers.  I lost one bigger crappie in the hole and got one right at 10".  By 5:30 the bite really slowed down.  I pulled up the tip up and put a minnow down in the hole that had the Aqua Vu in it.  When I brought up the Aqua View I busted the fin off.  Looks like no down viewing until I can get another one.  I had one fish mess with the minnow but not take it and I got a couple more crappies and I had a few sniffers.  I packed up around 7PM.  I have never caught crappies like that at Rock Lake ever.  I threw them all back.  Another year and those should be some quality keepers.

24 Crappies
3 Sunfish

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