Thursday, January 29, 2015

Rock Again Tonight

Hmmm I found some sunfish
Cold and Windy 23-16 degrees, mostly sunny, wind out of the WNW

Today I started in the holes I got the bass out of yesterday.  All I could get today were some perch.  I moved to some holes I didn't fish much yesterday in a little deeper water.  I got some small sunfish and a crappie in these.  The fish were frustrating me again tonight.  Rushing to the bait but not hitting it.  It was also much tougher fishing in the colder weather between my line and guides freezing up.  I caught a couple crappies out of the holes I ended in last night.
Biggest sunfish I got

9" Crappie
5 Crappies
5 Sunfish
3 Perch

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