Saturday, June 18, 2022

Slow morning, but I enjoyed myself

 I got a later start than I wanted due to a bolt breaking on my trolling motor bracket last night. I was lucky it wasn't a much later start as I had an inspiration that was a time saver from the original way I was going to go about it. I was off before sunrise. I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to head to F Flat because there would be calm water there. Tried topwater, nothing. So then I tried a Jackhammer, unbelievably nothing. Finally, I got a small pike on Z-Man Big Blade as I made my way to the reeds, where I got my two fish last night. Topwater wasn't happening there either, so I started throwing a swim jig. I was about to throw the white flag as I completed my drift through reeds when a 19-incher made my morning. I got the 27.5-inch pike on my second drift through the reeds. I ended up back on F Flat. I learned a lot about how the cabbage is set up this year. It looks better than it has in years. Not holding hardly any fish is power for the coarse at this point. I think the lake lost 80% or more of its fish population last winter because they didn't put in the aerator as they needed to. 4 Bass landed out of 6 opportunities in 5 hours of fishing. I did at least get some action from a pike in the cabbage with several fish being 24-inch class.

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