Monday, April 22, 2019

Toothy Bullhead And Ice Off Rock and Bulldog

27" Pure Poison/Swim Fluke Jr

Ice off Rock

Bulldog Lake
6:50-7:10PM GOMH SW
7:20-7:45PM Rock
7:50-8:00PM Bulldog
8:15-9:00PM GOMH SW NE

49-44℉, Partly Cloudy, 8-2mph NE

We got at least an inch of rain this morning and it was windy, cold and cloudy until about 4PM when the clouds finally broke.  I knew the winds were supposed to diminish so I started at the GOMH.  There was a guy fishing on the SE side.  He said he hadn't gotten a bite.  I didn't either and soon left for Rock.  There were loons calling on Rock and the ice was out.  No signs of fish activity.  Bulldog was also a bust and I didn't stay long.  At the GOMH I discovered the quickest way to get to the iPhone's camera is to use Siri.  That way I don't have to unlock the phone and mess with pushing buttons.  That discovery would soon come in handy when I got the fish.  I went down on the SW side first after 10 minutes and no bites I went to the NE side just as a truck pulled up and it looked like a guy and girl got out.  On my third cast, I got the toothy bullhead.  I was able to quickly get the iPhone on the selfie stick to take a few pictures and get her back in the water.  The guy came over to talk briefly.  They left about 10 minutes later.  I didn't get any more bites and I didn't go back t the SW side.

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