Saturday, April 20, 2019

Platte Ice Free, A Couple Bites at Bulldog, Nothing at Rock

14.25" Panfish Chatterbait 

15.5" T.H.E. Jig/Maggot

Platte Lake Ice Out Today

Rock 80% Ice Free

Bulldog 77% Open
5:30-6:45 Rock Lake
6:50-8:15 Bulldog
8:30-8:40 GOMH SW
75℉, Partly Cloudy, 0-4mph SW

I wanted to get some minnows today but Bear Trax, Redd's, and Reeds are all out of them.  First stop was at the GOMH.  There were people fishing off both sides of the bridge not catching anything.  I talked to the guy and lady on the North side who were fishing with minnows. I then went and checked the situation at the Platte Public Access. Yep, ice-free.  Today is the day.

I then drove to Rock.  There were two trailers in the lot. I fished there while listening to the Twins win the 1st game of the doubleheader in Baltimore. There were some loons calling.  I didn't get a bite.

At Bulldog there seemed to be occasional baitfish activity especially to the South where I can't cast due to that tree.  I put on the Panfish Chatterbait on a lark and amazingly caught a bass.  I then went back to T.H.E. Jig.  I had something very dogfish like move water close to the Rocket Bobber. I threw a few casts with the white craw tube and didn't get any hits, so I went back to THE Jig.  I had what looked like a slight nibble, then another one, then the bobber started moving off.  I figured it was going to be a tiny sunfish, but it was actually the 15-inch bass.

As it was getting dark I headed to the GOMH.  Nobody was there.  I fished for maybe 10 minutes when mom called about Kaylee being stuck in the woods somewhere.  I packed up, but my rain bibs on and left.  When I got home Mom was coming back through the woods in the dark with Kaylee without a flashlight.  I wasn't pleased with Mom not calling me sooner and just waiting for me to go into the woods to get her.

I would imagine the panfish will be moving in pretty quick.

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