Next I headed to the SW side of the intersection to fish where I got my two big fish yesterday. In close to the bullrushes I had a pike bite off my white Spro Frog which I was able to retrieve. I had a hit from a small fish in by the bullrushes and that was it. A boat with 2 guys throwing spinnerbaits was making progress West along the Platte River Outlet and I didn't want them to beat me to the river so I put the trolling motor on high to get out where I could go with the big motor. On a fluke I got a 10.25" bass on the white Spro Frog as I was heading to the open water.
The guys throwing spinnerbaits were getting a few pike and only had gotten 1 bass, it turns out they weren't headed to the river. I stopped about 50 yards short of the river mouth and started fishing. The weeds looked good, but I didn't get any hits until I was actually into the river itself. Naturally I was highly disappointed that the river mouth didn't give me a few fish, seeing as what a good spot that has been in the past. I think the first hit I got in the river was a pike. I got a 11.25" bass right next to shore on the South side of the river on a watermelon/red Zoom Horny Toad. I was just around the first bend fishing the North shore when I missed what I'm pretty sure was either a big bass or dogfish on the Horny Toad. A little ways down I got a 11" bass on the Horny Toad.
Since I was to lazy and didn't want to lose the buzz tails of another Horny Toad to Pike I started throwing the white Spro Frog. I got this nice 15.50" right along the North Shore.
Down a little ways I missed another good blow up. I was around the 2nd bend casting right up to North/West shore when I got a good 14". I ended up working all the way around the 4th bend and did have signs of about 3 more fish but I think 1 was a dogfish and 1 was probably a pike.
There is a tournament on Platte/Sullivan on Sunday and I think if a single team committed to the river and was able to land what bit, they could possibly have a good bag of fish, but then again they might not even get a 5 fish limit.
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