Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Morning And Beautiful Evening At The GOMH And Bulldog

16.5" Poison/Swim Fluke Jr.
5:30-7:30AM GOMH NE
42℉, PC turning overcast, 10-15mph ENE

I got out later than intended because I was putzing around.  Missed a hit right away in the tube. Then nothing for an hour plus.  I went back to the NE side one last time and caught 6 quick jumpers on the Poison and that was that. I bounced.

12" Glow Demon/minnow
5" THE Jig
6:30PM-12:00AM Bulldog GOMH NE Bridge SE SW
58-64℉, PC, 0-15NW

I think I started the night at the GOMH. The Buckman Dad and Daughter (Mike and Ella) were back. I hadn't seen them in a few years. Daughter is now a Freshman in college, Amazin! They were getting a few jumpers.  I filled him in on when the silvers showed up last night.   There were people on the SW and the NE side so I bounced to Bulldog.  Not much was going on there.  I caught the one pumpkinseed and one bass.  A guy and two chicks stopped and fished.  He got a small bass out on the Bog Spot. Amazin! I fish this spot for years not knowing people fish just to the South of the access and within a couple days I see two different people fishing there.  I went back to the GOMH and it was only the Dad and Daughter.  I went to the NE side.  There was basically no current.  D & D started getting some silver.  I got a small one and then a boat came through immediately after.  That wrecked my confidence on the Northside, so I went and fished off the Southside of the bridge.  We were all catching them.  I delivered one over to Dad.  He threw my line back in the water and it was immediate fish on with a toothy.  As Dad was trying to wrangle the slimer it broke me off.  He grabbed ahold of it twice, but it managed to steal my Cubby.  They left around 10:30PM.  I stayed until midnight fishing both sides getting more action on the SE side.  I missed a jaint when it went berserk on the SW side.  I also saw a shooting star that lasted about 5 seconds. I called it night at midnight.

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