Friday, October 04, 2019

Helped A Family And Caught Some Fish

5:30-7:00PM F Flat, NPBI
48-47℉, Cloudy, 10mph SW
Water Level is High and Rising

I should have gotten out and fished in the morning, but I slept for a bit instead.  Then I had to wait for the Schwan's Guy to show up.  He wasn't there by 4PM so I started getting ready to leave when he showed up.  Another 5 minutes and I would have been gone.  I got to the lake place before 5 and was fishing by 5:30PM.  I went to F Flat.  A group of 6 people were taking "the Dock" out.  I caught a pike and then noticed they were having trouble getting it up past the rocks.  I beached the boat and one more person is what they needed to get it done.  They said Thanks and I was back fishing in minutes.  I caught mostly pike on F Flat on a Strike King single Colorado blade. Got one dink bass on the Poison.  I then wrapped line on the real.  It took me about 5 minutes to get it untangled a real PIA in the wind.  The wind didn't lay down at all. At a quarter to 7PM I headed to NPBI.  I got a 14-inch bass, then went into clown show mode hooking the spinnerbait on the cooler.  It took me about 5 minutes to get it free.  I then caught a 16-incher.  I missed bites on the Poison and the craw tube.  It got dark and I was done.

Somehow switched the Scale to pounds and ounces.  I can't get it to switch back because it turns off before it gets into the mode to be able to switch it back. PIA

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