Friday, April 26, 2019

GOMH Morning And Evening Trips

11" Cubby/minnow

17.75" Swim Shad

6:00-8:00AM GOMH NE SW
41-37℉, Sunny, 2-7mph WNW
Water High

I was the only one out there this morning. Started on the NE side.  Got a couple of jumpers including the one in the picture. Went to the SW side.  Got a couple of more jumpers and the one silver while casting cross the current toward the other side by the bridge.  I think I missed one more silver.

12.25" Glow Demon/Minnow

17.5" Panfish Chatterbait

6:30-11:00PM GOMH NE
53-41℉, Partly Cloudy, 0-10mph NW
Water High

When I arrived at the GOMH Lantern Man's son and a buddy were down on the SE side and a group of Asians was fishing on the SW and SE side. The Asian's had just got a silver.  Everybody was catching jumpers.  I watched them for maybe 20 minutes then went down on the NE side.  Good thing I dressed warm because it was a cool wind.  I caught a few jumpers, but it was slow for the first hour and half.  The Asian guys would occasionally pop over and throw a few casts.  I think they left by 8:30PM.  The action picked up as it got dark.  I was really hoping to get a dogfish, but no such luck.  First silver was the biggest.  Lantern Man showed up at around 9PM or so.  I was catching the occasional silver, so I stayed on the NE side.  At about 10:30PM I went over to talk to them for a bit.  The buddy broke a good dogfish off.  They landed a few while I was there and the buddy broke his line when he set the hook like a madman.  I went back to the NE side and got the bullhead on my last minnow of the night.  When the wind quit it was quite pleasant out.  I could have done without the smoke from the campfire though.

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