Monday, November 08, 2021

Penultimate Trip In The Trophy Works Out At The Very End

Took a picture after I got the pike

It was way darker than it looks in this picture.

 3:30-5:30PM Old Resort Flat, NW Corner, NPBI, F Flat
47-50℉, MC, 0-4MPH NW

Started on Old Resort Flat. Missed a couple of bites and had a follow on the Jackhammer. After about 40 minutes, I bailed for the NW corner. There was activity by Rice Island, so I stopped there. Didn't get a bite and stayed too long. Made a quick stop at NPBI, nothing. Headed to F Flat, where I got a pike and two bass. The bass was where I got the bass last night, and the pike was around where I got the pike the previous night. Was so glad the Hail Mary paid off and got the skunk out of the boat. Decided not to try for crappie even though it was calm and I wasn't all that cold.

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