Saturday, November 06, 2021

Crappie Bust, Got a Couple of Pike In Sully

I need to trim the old beard and shave my head as well

4:00-7:00PM SPSI, Tuma's Point, Intersection, GOMH
45-58℉, PC, 0-7mph SSW

I got a little later start than I wanted. Tried SPSI no dice. Then I went and searched for crappies for an hour in Sullivan. That wasn't happening, so I mapped for a while. Then fished Tuma's Point. I was just about to move when I caught a small pike on the Jackhammer. I only fished maybe 10 more minutes, then headed to the Intersection. Caught one pike there in the rice narrows. It got totally calm, so I went out and hunted more crappie unsuccessfully. I was underdressed, and my hands were getting cold, so I headed in. Saw a bass and possibly an eye at the bridge.

Talked to Todd after I got back in. He had a deer spook as he was getting to his stand and saw one in the evening but could not get a clean shot as it went into a thicket.

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