Friday, November 27, 2020

Nothing For Me, But Jamar's Crew Got Some Fish


7:45-10:00PM South Jetty, North Corner
29℉, Clear, 4-7mph WNW

When I arrived Jamar's crew had been there a couple hours already. He got one right away and missed another. I went and fished off the South Jetty. Didn't get any bites. I packed up my stuff and warmed up in the car around 9PM. I then went and fished off the North Corner talking ice fishing with Jamar. His cousin or brother from Nevada caught an Eelpout while I was at the South Jetty. They left at about 9:45 and I took off at 10PM, no bites for me. Jamar got his fish while slowly reeling the Jerk Shad.

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